Our Story

Sixteen years ago, we began selling gifts, then women's clothing and accessories. As our business grew, we began to travel to introduce our products across the country. In 2007, our Aunt Flo was diagnosed with cancer. We were crazy about her and inspired to do something to make a difference. We let our hair grow to donate it to Locks of Love. It took us almost two years to grow our ponytails long enough to be made into wigs for those with cancer. After cutting our ponytails and now having short hair, we needed to see the back and sides to style it. We have tri-view mirrors in our bathrooms at home and they worked perfectly. We tried to buy a portable tri-view mirror and found that they did not exist! The solution to our dilemma – we created Floxsee:  “Flo" for Aunt Flo, "Lox" for Locks of Love, and "See" because you can now see the back and sides of your hair/head.  Deena & Ellen

We have made a commitment to donate a portion of the proceeds of Floxsee sales to the Fox Chase Cancer Center in memory of Aunt Flo and to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in honor of Ellen’s son who bravely battles this disease. It’s important to us that we give something back as a part of this new venture.

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